what is phishing?

Phishing attacks aim to steal or damage sensitive data by deceiving people into revealing personal information like passwords and credit card numbers. Provided in this website is an opportunity to walk through a live phishing simulation without any compromise of data.

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Various types of phishing attacks

Phishing attacks come from scammers disguised as trustworthy sources and can facilitate access to all types of sensitive data. As technologies evolve, so do cyberattacks. Learn about the most pervasive types of phishing.

Email Phishing

Uses tactics like false hyperlinks to lure email recipients into sharing personal information.

Malware Phishing

Involves planting malware disguised as a trustworthy attachment in an email.

Spear Phishing

Targets specific individuals by exploiting information gathered through research into their lifes. Often customized.


Hackers target higher ups such as business executives or celebrites to steal login credentials or other information.


Combining "SMS" and "phishing" this involves sending text messages disguised as trustworthy communication from popular companies.


Attacks from false call centers trick users into providing sensitive information over the phone.

Quick tips to avoid being prey to a phishing attack

Don't trust display names

Check the sender's email address before opening a message—the display name might be a fake.

Check for typos

Spelling mistakes and poor grammar are typical in phishing emails. If something looks off, flag it.

Look before clicking

Hover over hyperlinks in genuine-sounding content to inspect the link address.

Read the salutation

If the email is addressed to “Valued Customer” instead of to you, be wary. It’s likely fraudulent.

Review the signature

Check for contact information in the email footer. Legitimate senders always include them.

Beware of threats

Fear-based phrases like “Your account has been suspended” are prevalent in phishing emails.